Diabetes - we all know the importance of diet for diabetics.  One client recently diagnosed with type 2 diabetes was advised to lose weight by the diabetic clinic.  The situation was compounded by the indication that blood pressure levels were approaching levels indicative of a further problem.  Initial discussions with the client identified that:

1. they ate erratically, missing some meals and having others as and when.      
2. they had difficulty in refusing foods that were not good for diabetes or weight loss.
3. family members had commented that the client always finished eating first.
4. client was aware that their intake of fluids, particularly water, was very low.
5. admitted a dislike of fruit and vegetables.

Under hypnosis a programme of red cross and green tick was put in place.  The client was asked to imagine a table laden with high calorie, sweet, high salt and high fat content products and place a large red cross on top of this as a sign that these foods should be eaten sparingly.  A similar process was used with a second table which was laden with fruit, vegetables, pulses, low fat, low salt foods which were described as being helpful for weight loss and providing the essential vitamins and minerals and an explanation given that these foods were beneficial both for weight loss and general health.  A green tick was planted above this table. 

Still under hypnosis the importance of regular meals was made as was the importance of regular fluid intake especially water and that there was no need to snack between meals.  Further, to deal with the speedy eating the client was advised to put down his knife and fork between mouthfuls and to chew the food.  This would increase the time taken to eat and at the same time to provide the opportunity to enjoy each mouthful. 

The client has now had 2 sessions of hypnosis where the above programme was repeated and is now losing weight and eating more vegetables and fruit. Further sessions are planned to assist the client further.
A lot of people are asking about relaxation and destressing. Therapies can achieve this whether it be by reiki, hypnotherapy or EFT. The therapies will gently ease you into a state of relaxation or with EFT you can tap them away; try it and see the great benefits that you can achieve. You can even do EFT yourself; there's plenty of information available to help you do this. Get some positive energy in your life now.